'RSL 400 wins the 2016 GIT Security Award'


The safety laser scanner RSL400 is the winner  in the "Safe Automation" category and it was chosen by a jury consisting of representatives from the BHE, TÜV, VDMA and ZVEI as well as integrators and users.
In the subsequent readers' poll, it received the most votes from the international users. 

There are solid reasons that speak in favor of the RSL 400 laser scanner:

  •           It is FLEXIBLE!  With its two independent protective functions, it acts like two individual safety laser scanners. You save yourself one device!
  •           It is HIGH-PERFORMANCE! Its large scanning angle (270°) in combination with large operating range (8,25 m) enables reliable safeguarding, even at corners and edges. As a result, a second safety laser scanner is not needed in many cases.
  •           It is USER-FRIENDLY! The simple mounting of the safety laser scanner is based on its intelligent connection unit with integrated cable management